Gáza déli részét bombázta Izrael

2024-07-02 11:07:17

Rocket barrage launched at Israel as battle rages in Gaza City

The barrage targeting southern communities was reportedly the biggest from Gaza in six months.
2024-07-01 22:07:47

Palestinians flee Gaza City's Shejaiya area amid heavy bombardment

Residents say Israeli ground forces moved into the eastern Gaza City district after intense strikes.
2024-06-27 21:08:55

Palestinians flee Gaza City's Shejaiya area amid heavy bombardment

Post Content
2024-06-27 20:10:15

Gaza: Long campaign by Israel may follow war

The most intense fighting could be ending, but Gaza could see Israeli action for a long time to come.
2024-06-27 19:09:10

Izrael növelné Gáza vízellátását

Izrael, nyugati szövetségesei nyomására, arra készül, hogy növelje egy sótalanító üzem áramellátását a Gázai övezetben. Ezáltal több ivóvizet tudna biztosítani az enklávéban élők számára - közölte szerdán a Reuters hírügynökséggel egy izraeli biztonsági tisztviselő és egy nyugati tisztviselő.
2024-06-26 22:06:44

Picture of Gaza war protest misrepresented as fatalities in hajj pilgrimage

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2024-06-25 06:08:02

Gaza hospital in Khan Younis reports 7 killed in Israeli air attack

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2024-06-24 23:07:13

Palestinians fleeing Gaza are stranded in Cairo without work or money

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2024-06-19 14:09:15

Voters guided by Gaza concerns ahead of election

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2024-06-17 16:09:05

Gaza tests historic bond between UK Muslims and Labour

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2024-06-16 05:06:29

Gaza 'safe zone' hit by Israeli strikes, WAFA reports

A US-backed Israeli proposal for a ceasefire and hostage deal appears to be in limbo, with neither side yet publicly committing to the plan. Follow for live updates.
2024-06-13 08:07:28

Blinken says fate of Israel-Gaza ceasefire plan down to Hamas

The US diplomat says it all depends on Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, who is hiding underground in Gaza.
2024-06-11 14:08:43

June 10, 2024 - Israel-Hamas war

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called on Benny Gantz to change his mind after the key war carbinet member resigned from government over the handling of the war in Gaza.
2024-06-10 12:06:59

June 10, 2024 - Israel-Hamas war

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called on Benny Gantz to change his mind after the key war cabinet member resigned from government over the handling of the war in Gaza.
2024-06-10 12:06:52

Hamas-ruled Gaza launches coronavirus vaccination drive

2021-02-22 14:07:08

ICC opens 'war crimes' investigation in Palestinian territories

The court will look at alleged war crimes in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip since 2014.
2021-03-03 17:06:24

Explosion on Gaza fishing boat kills 3 Palestinian anglers

2021-03-07 12:07:48

Gaza's Hamas rulers hold secret leadership election

2021-03-09 22:06:19

Hamas official: Hamas' Gaza leader Sinwar re-elected

2021-03-10 17:08:29

Israeli army: Rocket from Gaza hits south Israel

2021-04-16 04:06:10

Israel: Rocket from Gaza is 2nd in 24 hours; no injuries

2021-04-17 04:06:38

Jerusalem tension triggers Gaza-Israel fire exchange

2021-04-24 12:06:48

Israel Gaza conflict: Biden calls leaders amid escalating violence

The US president makes diplomatic calls after a sixth day of violence in the region.
2021-05-16 00:06:05

Izrael ultimátumot kapott, menekítik a gyerekeket, nyitva az óvóhelyek

Az iszlamisták rakétatámadásokkal fenyegetnek.
2021-05-10 18:05:51

Izrael ultimátumot kapott, menekítik a gyerekeket, nyitva az óvóhelyek

Az iszlamisták rakétatámadásokkal fenyegetnek.
2021-05-10 18:06:23

Israel launches airstrike after rockets fired from Gaza in day of escalation

Tensions in Jerusalem reached their highest point in years Monday with rocket sirens sounding just after 6:00 p.m. (11 a.m. ET), capping another day of violence in the holy city, where hundreds of Palestinians have been injured in clashes with Israeli police.
2021-05-11 02:05:44

The Latest: Israeli media says rocket struck empty school

2021-05-11 14:06:26

CNN team takes cover as sirens sound in Israel

CNN's Hadas Gold and her team rush to cover as warning sirens were heard in Ashkelon, Israel amid rising tensions between Israelis and Palestinians. Israel and Gaza militants have been exchanging fire after clashes in Jerusalem and an uptick in violence.
2021-05-11 15:05:42

Israel ramps up airstrikes as barrage of rockets from Gaza continues

Tensions between Israelis and Palestinians escalated further on Tuesday as Palestinian militants in Gaza fired hundreds of rockets into Israel, which in turn ramped up airstrikes on the coastal enclave, as unrest spread to cities and towns beyond Jerusalem.
2021-05-11 22:05:42

Harcok Izraelben: a Hamász keménymag élre tör

Az eldurvuló fegyveres konfliktus mögött a palesztin frakciók áskálódása húzódik meg.
2021-05-12 06:05:53

Harcok Izraelben: a Hamász keménymag élre tör

Az eldurvuló fegyveres konfliktus mögött a palesztin frakciók áskálódása húzódik meg.
2021-05-12 06:06:23

Szijjártó Péter elítélte az izraeli városok elleni támadásokat

A gázai övezetben hétfő óta folyamatosak a rakétatámadások.
2021-05-12 10:06:19

Szijjártó Péter elítélte az izraeli városok elleni támadásokat

A gázai övezetben hétfő óta folyamatosak a rakétatámadások.
2021-05-12 10:07:01

Video shows 13-story tower collapse in Gaza following Israeli airstrikes

A 13-story residential tower block in Gaza city collapsed after it was hit by an Israeli airstrike, drawing vows of retaliation from Palestinian militants. Tensions in the region have escalated and the international community is calling for a de-escalation of violence. One of the main sources of growing unrest in recent days has been the possible eviction of several Palestinian families from their homes in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah. CNN's John Vause has more.
2021-05-12 11:05:47

Israel-Gaza: Fears of war as violence escalates

The barrage of Palestinian militant rockets and Israeli airstrikes grows, in the worst violence in years.
2021-05-12 11:06:20

As violence escalates, a new generation of Palestinians has caught Israeli and Palestinian leadership off guard

"Marhaba" -- hello in Arabic -- began the brief text the middle-aged Jerusalem housewife found on her cell phone Monday evening. "You have been identified participating in violent acts at Al Aqsa mosque. You will be held accountable. Israeli Intelligence."
2021-05-12 13:05:40

Israel-Gaza: Locals scramble for cover, some hiding in wardrobes

Locals in Israel and Gaza terrified amid the worst flare-up in the conflict for years.
2021-05-12 14:06:29

48 killed in Gaza, 5 killed in Israel as UN warns conflict could turn into 'full-scale war'

The worst violence in years between Israelis and Palestinians showed no signs of letting up Wednesday, as continued Israeli airstrikes and Hamas rocket fire prompted the United Nations to warn the conflict could mushroom into "full-scale war."
2021-05-12 15:05:44

In pictures: Violence escalates after clashes in Jerusalem

Tensions between Israelis and Palestinians escalated this week as Palestinian militants in Gaza fired hundreds of rockets into Israel, which in turn ramped up airstrikes across Gaza.
2021-05-12 17:05:56

Israel-Gaza violence dominates Arab media

The escalation of violence dominates TV and press coverage across the Middle East.
2021-05-12 18:06:16

A nap legfontosabb hírei ? 2021.05.12.

Megállapodtak az előválasztás minden kulcskérdésében Ezért lángolt fel újra az erőszak Izraelben ?A legrosszabb dolog, amikor abbahagyjuk a mosolygást? ? Helyszíni videóriportunk a bombázott Tel-Avivból Egyházi tulajdonú oktatóközponttá és nővérszállóvá változik az egykori Budagyöngye Kórház Bayer, Rákay és Palkovics is óriási kedvezménnyel vehetné meg az önkormányzati lakását a Várban Nem elég a védettséget igazoló plasztikkártya a beutazáshoz Horvátországba A Diákváros területének nagy részét megkapja a Fudan Egyetem Kikerülhet a következő kormány kezéből Paks II. ellenőrzése Kanta József:...
2021-05-12 21:05:59

Israel-Gaza violence: The strength and limitations of Hamas' arsenal

The militant group possesses thousands of missiles of varying ranges that it can fire towards Israel.
2021-05-12 21:06:19

Israel-Gaza: Rockets pound Israel after militants killed

Palestinian militants fire a barrage of rockets after some of their commanders die in air strikes.
2021-05-12 23:06:12

Analysis: Hell has been unleashed in Gaza

Yet again, hell has been unleashed in the Gaza Strip, a small, crowded piece of land on the Mediterranean.
2021-05-13 01:05:39

Videos show Israeli airstrikes on Gaza

Israeli airstrikes struck Gaza while Hamas and Islamic Jihad fired rockets out of the territory into Israel. CNN's Ben Wedeman takes us inside the hell that is, once again, being unleashed on this small, crowded place.
2021-05-13 01:05:40

Communal violence erupts in Israeli cities following days of air strikes and rocket attacks

As the Israeli military and Palestinian militants in Gaza exchange deadly airstrikes and rocket bombardments, rioting and violent clashes have also swept through several Israeli cities between Arab and Jewish citizens.
2021-05-13 05:05:45

Gal Gadotot támadják, miután véleményezte az izraeli-palesztin konfliktust

Újra fellángolt az izraeli-palesztin konfliktus, és úgy tűnik, hét év óta nem volt annyira súlyos a helyzet, mint most. Rakéta- és légitámadások vezethetnek egy újabb háború felé. Kapcsolódó Ezért lángolt fel újra az erőszak Izraelben Mi vezetett oda, hogy Jeruzsálemben és egész Izraelben újra felélénkültek azok a konfliktusok, amik az utóbbi pár évben szinte teljesen elcsendesedtek? Ennek nyomán szólalt fel a napokban az izraeli Gal Gadot színésznő is, aki Instagram-oldalán írt meglátásairól: Hazám háborúban áll. Aggódom a családomért, a barátaimért, a népemért. Ez az ör...
2021-05-13 09:06:06

Riots and mob violence sweep through Israeli cities following days of airstrikes and rocket attacks

As the Israeli military and Palestinian militants in Gaza exchange deadly airstrikes and rocket bombardments, rioting and violent clashes have also swept through several Israeli cities between Arab and Jewish citizens.
2021-05-13 15:05:41

Israel-Gaza: Deaths mount as Israel-Gaza violence worsens

Civilians tell of their terror as rocket fire and airstrikes rain down in Gaza and Israel.
2021-05-13 15:06:16

Global airlines cancel flights to Israel as violence escalates

Global airlines are canceling flights to Israel as clashes between the country's military and Palestinian militants in Gaza intensify.
2021-05-13 19:05:46

Israel-Gaza violence: The conflict explained

Israel and the Palestinians have been at loggerheads for decades, but what are the key issues?
2021-05-13 19:06:32

Hamas: The Palestinian militant group that rules Gaza

Hamas is a militant Palestinian Islamist group that rules the Gaza Strip.
2021-05-13 23:06:17

'We cannot sleep': Mothers caught in the Israel-Gaza conflict

Mothers in Israel and Gaza tell the BBC they are terrified for their families as fighting escalates.
2021-05-14 02:06:21

Israel-Gaza: Conflict stalls Arab-Israeli rapprochement

The violent flare-up comes months after some Arab nations normalised relations with Israel.
2021-05-14 02:06:21


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